小新 2017-09-19 10:46:47




  1. Get

  get across 穿过;清楚表达;使理解

  get accustomed to = get used to 习惯于

  get along 进展;相处;度日

  get at 暗示;够得着,触及;

  get away with 逃脱

  get bored doing 厌倦做某事

  get by (勉强)对付过去,(勉强)过活;溜走;勉强过得去

  get down to 开始处理;开始认真对待

  get down 使难过

  get hurt 受伤

  get one’s hopes up 使某人产生希望

  get even with 扯平

  get going 开始

  get hold of 掌握;了解

  get in the way 挡道

  get in 进入,被允许进入;到达

  get in touch with 与……建立联系

  get somewhere/nowhere 有(无)进展

  get off the ground 有所进展;冲刺

  get off 被允许离开;逃脱惩罚,逃避义务;

  get on one’s nerves 使……心烦

  get on 和睦相处;变老;继续,继续进行,进步;

  2. Come

  come along 过来;进展,发展

  come along with 随同

  come across 偶尔遇见,偶尔发现

  come at 袭击;拜见

  come by 从旁走过

  come around 到来/苏醒,恢复/改变看法或立场

  come around / round to 赞成;同意

  come back 回来/想起,记起

  come by获得,得到;拜访,串门

  come between 离间,使分开,使产生隔阂

  come down with 因……而病倒;患…病

  come down 流传

  come to the point 抓住要点

  come into contact with 与……接触

  come in for 遭到,受到(责备等):The reporter’s work came in for criticism.

  come on 发生,赶快

  come off 发生,举行

  come off it 别傻了,别闹笑话了,别出洋相了

  come out 发行;被告知;结果是;公开宣称

  come into operation 启用

  come to a standstill 停止

  come to a stop 停止;到站

  come to an end 结束

  come to light 真相大白;显露

  come true 梦想成真

  come through 按要求(或期望)做:I asked for their help, and they came through.我向他们求助,他们就帮了我。come up to达到;符合;不辜负

  (live up to)come up with 提出;赶上

  come upon 偶然发现(或遇见)

  come a long way 取得进展;明显增强

  come all the way 远道而来;大老远跑来

  come in handy 迟早有用

  come into being 诞生,形成

  come out of 从(某场所)出来;出自

  come to one’s mind 想起

  come to think of it 回头想起

  come to an agreement 达成协议

  come what may 无论如何

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