大白 2020-07-01 17:28:23

  建党节英语作文怎么写?2020中考英语作文素材集锦 不论是中文作文还是英语作文,都依赖于同学们平时的素材积累和好词好句分享。因此如果同学们在学习当中看到比较好的作文,可以自己进行记忆和背诵,这样在中考的时候也就不怕自己无话可说了。今天是2020年7月1日建党节,小编整理了关于建党节的作文素材,快来一起学习一下吧。也希望同学们在接下来的中考当中获得一个好成绩!


  After the founding of the Communist Party of China in July 1921, under the brutal rule of the reactionary Jia Peilin, the Communist Party of China could only be in a state of secrecy, without an open environment for activities. During the period of the great revolution, the party was busy with the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, carrying out the workers and peasants movement and supporting the northern expedition. There was no condition to commemorate the birth of the party. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the party was in a more difficult rural war environment or was fighting under white terror. There was still no condition to organize unified activities to commemorate the birthday of the party. Until 1936, when the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Chen Tanqiu, one of the party's representatives, published the article "memories of the first congress" on the seventh volume of the magazine "Comintern" published in Moscow to mark the birth of the party. This is the earliest article commemorating the birth of the Communist Party of China. It is mentioned in the article that the first university was opened at the end of July 1921, but there is no specific date. This commemorative article is based on the month of a major meeting, not on the specific date of the opening of a major meeting. At that time, there was no mass celebration of the party's birthday.

  At that time, only Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu were the founders of the party that once participated in the first Congress in Yan'an. They recalled that the first university was held in July, but they couldn't remember the exact date of the meeting. Due to the lack of archives, which cannot be verified for the time being, July 1 was designated as the anniversary of the birth of the party.


  The establishment of the party building day represents the birth of the Communist Party of China, witnessing the emergence and development of Chinese communism. It is also a memorial to those Communist fighters who died for the establishment of the Communist Party, helping their families, parents and children. Through the party building day, we also fight against corruption in the party, purify the party and the country.

  Through the establishment of the Communist Party of China, with the efforts of all the members of the Communist Party, they have defeated the imperialists, the running dogs of the bourgeoisie, and made the people turn over to be the masters, making China a better place and a happier life!


  Our beautiful Party established new China and created our happy life now. Our beautiful party makes us eat, dress, enjoy peace and enjoy all freedom and equality. How beautiful our party is!

  In this passionate day, the memory gate in my mind is slowly opening to me. In July 1921, a giant's cry came from a red boat in Nanhu, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. It was like Chunlei waking up the sleeping Oriental lion, pulling away the fog that has enveloped the hearts of millions of people with lofty ideals for hundreds of years, displaying the great banner of communism, and lighting the fire of star revolution on the land of Shenzhou. Since then, the ideals of the Chinese people have been unified and the Communist Party of China, a leader worthy of trust, has been established. Under the long night, a dazzling star finally lights up, which lights up the darkness before dawn and guides the way forward.

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